What's the accuracy score mean? Preseason Home Up (accuracy index)

Preseason Prediction Accuracy (1993-2009)

See "notes" following the table for more information on its contents.

Magazine Rank Total
2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993
Lindy's 1 2,382 151 168137171129 148149150155124 15211712692123 126164
GamePlan 2 2,396 132 141145174157145 141154165132157 126118111132122 144
Athlon 3 2,404 144 141135158134147 149144162134149 120129109138149 162
The Sporting News 4 2,432 150 154140170145133 146131173135155 12414099141132 164

This page shows the accuracy of preseason magazines' conference predictions for the fourteen-year span 1993-2009 ("all-time," as long as my preseason consensus has been produced, going into the 2010 season). In order to qualify for either table, a magazine must have been published for every year used in that table.

There is also a "2007-2009 (last three years)" table, a "2005-2009 (last five years)" table, and a "2000-2009 (last ten years)" table.

Tables with more years have the advantage of having a larger sample of data: a single unusually lucky or unlucky year has less impact on the standings. However, tables with fewer years have the advantage of including more magazines: several of the magazines available today were not published if one goes back far enough.


What's the accuracy score mean? Preseason Home Up (accuracy index)