What's the accuracy score mean? Preseason Home Up (accuracy index)

Preseason Prediction Accuracy (2018-2022)

See "notes" following the table for more information on its contents.

Magazine Rank Total
2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Pick Six Previews 1 751.6 168 169 160.1 135.5 119
Phil Steele 2 758.1 176 174 160.1 121.5 126.5
Athlon 3 771.4 172 180 183.4 127 109
DRatings.com 4 776.5 174 175 186 127 114.5
ESPN 5 778.9 174 188 181.9 109 126
McIllece Sports 6 781 160 183 185.5 120 132.5
Arena Fanatic 7 800.9 188 169.5 178.9 132.5 132
Lindy's 8 801.1 177 190 187.1 127 120
Versus Sports Simulator 9 805 168 176.5 191 140 129.5
CollegeFootballNews.com 10 809.5 171 176.5 183 130.5 148.5
CollegeFootballPoll.com 11 839 184 201 196 127 131

This page shows the accuracy of preseason magazines' conference predictions for the five-year span 2018-2022 ("the last five years" going into the 2023 season). In order to qualify for either table, a magazine must have been published for every year used in that table.

There is also a "2020-2022 (last three years)" table and a "2013-2022 (last ten years)" table.

Tables with more years have the advantage of having a larger sample of data: a single unusually lucky or unlucky year has less impact on the standings. However, tables with fewer years have the advantage of including more magazines: several of the magazines available today were not published if one goes back far enough.


What's the accuracy score mean? Preseason Home Up (accuracy index)